Sujata made the remark while her party leaders including president Sher Bahadur with the tacit support of India is plotting to derail the government.“Immediate change in government will only stall the development works initiated by the government”, she continued. Koirala was addressing a program in Bhaktapur wherein she made the interesting observation.I am surprised by the government decision to declare the date for the local level election though the party leading the government, United Marxist Leninist is still unprepared for the election, claimed Sujata. The Nepali Congress leader Sujata Koirala claims that change in government at this juncture will be a fatal move for the country. She claimed that the policies and plans freshly reveled by the KP Sharma Oli government is in the interest of the country and the country men. In addition, she said, the Nepali Congress should also support the government for the national interest.
Exclusive Video- Interview with Sujata Koirala
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