Laptop may get over heat in daily use of it. Over-heated laptop needs proper care and security, if not will ruin soon. The over-heat issue will increase as the temperature rise on. Can solve the laptop Over-Heating problem with these process;
Cleaning of Battery and Fan
Battery and fan should be clean and maintain from time to time. The stuck of dust and dirt in laptop will arise the prblems. So, should clean the battery and fan in around 2 months.
Screw Driver and careful is need during the opening of laptop for cleaning. So, cannon air is needed for the clean of electrical device. This is called as gas duster. It is easily available in the market.
How to clean?
Laptop battery and system should be kept differently before cleaning it. Then, should clean them with cannon air. This takes out the inner dust . Should not give much pressure during the clean of wings. Should clean carefully.
Should not do this during clean
Should not clean with cold or water wet cloth. Also should not give more pressure on fan blades. If the fan is not working, then should not use for long time. Will have more over heating issue when the system is used for long time.
Use of Cooling Kit
Cooling Kit can be use for the laptop over heating problem. Can find different cooling kit with different price in the market. Cooling kit also can give the problem when the laptop is too old and have been used much. In this situation, cooling kit should not be use.
Relevant Cooling Kit Use
The cooling kit and laptop structure and shape should match each-other. The wrong fan will create the problem in laptop. Before buying a cooling kit, it i very important to check out the laptop. Technicians suggest to choose the relevant cooling kit.
Position to Keep Laptop
Laptop keeps on taking an air during the using period of it. So, should not have a bed cover, blankets or air closing things. With the disability to take the enough air will cause over-heating. There will be low risk of over heating when the laptop is kept in different place from laptop table or clothes.
Use the cooling mat instead of cooling fan. Use hard things like book, wood piece during the use of laptop in bed which will not close air flow.
Battery Security
Laptop Battery should be more cared during summer. The following remedies can be applied for this;
~ Keep the laptop from yourself during the charging. Should plug out the charger after finish of charge.
~ When the more pulling of battery started, laptop should not be used continuously i.e close down your laptop for some time.
~ Change the battery rather than charging again and again when the laptop don’t give much backup after using cooling kit.
Cleaning of Battery and Fan
Battery and fan should be clean and maintain from time to time. The stuck of dust and dirt in laptop will arise the prblems. So, should clean the battery and fan in around 2 months.
Screw Driver and careful is need during the opening of laptop for cleaning. So, cannon air is needed for the clean of electrical device. This is called as gas duster. It is easily available in the market.
How to clean?
Laptop battery and system should be kept differently before cleaning it. Then, should clean them with cannon air. This takes out the inner dust . Should not give much pressure during the clean of wings. Should clean carefully.
Should not do this during clean
Should not clean with cold or water wet cloth. Also should not give more pressure on fan blades. If the fan is not working, then should not use for long time. Will have more over heating issue when the system is used for long time.
Use of Cooling Kit
Cooling Kit can be use for the laptop over heating problem. Can find different cooling kit with different price in the market. Cooling kit also can give the problem when the laptop is too old and have been used much. In this situation, cooling kit should not be use.
Relevant Cooling Kit Use
The cooling kit and laptop structure and shape should match each-other. The wrong fan will create the problem in laptop. Before buying a cooling kit, it i very important to check out the laptop. Technicians suggest to choose the relevant cooling kit.
Position to Keep Laptop
Laptop keeps on taking an air during the using period of it. So, should not have a bed cover, blankets or air closing things. With the disability to take the enough air will cause over-heating. There will be low risk of over heating when the laptop is kept in different place from laptop table or clothes.
Use the cooling mat instead of cooling fan. Use hard things like book, wood piece during the use of laptop in bed which will not close air flow.
Battery Security
Laptop Battery should be more cared during summer. The following remedies can be applied for this;
~ Keep the laptop from yourself during the charging. Should plug out the charger after finish of charge.
~ When the more pulling of battery started, laptop should not be used continuously i.e close down your laptop for some time.
~ Change the battery rather than charging again and again when the laptop don’t give much backup after using cooling kit.